ERA(Endometrial Receptivity Analysis)

What is the ERA?

  • ▸The period in which the endometrium is most suitable for embryo transfer is called the "bedding window".
  • ▸The timing and length of the window varies from person to person. We use ERA detection to find out the correct individual window period.
  • ▸Embryo transfer in the window period will effectively increase the rate of implantation.

What are conditions suitable for ERA?

  • ▸Those with a well-transplanted embryo that is still unable to successfully conceive.
  • ▸Those with a small number of good embryos.
  • ▸Those wanting to increase the chance of pregnancy after implantation.
  • ▸Women with advanced maternal age that are preparing for pregnancy.
  • ▸Those who want to know the best embryo transfer time for their uterus.


  • Q1:What is the detection method?
    A: We use an ERA specific tube to collect a small sample of endometrial tissue in a pelvic exam.
  • Q2: Does it need anesthesia?
    A: There is no need for anesthesia during the inspection process; it takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.